Mensa Bremerhaven

For the students of the University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven we have a wide range of delicious offers in our Mensa in building M.

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday:
-.-- a. m. to -.-- p. m.
-.-- a. m. to -.-- p. m.

Suggestions, questions, praise & criticism:

Portrait Herr Nordengrün
mensa.bremerhaven [at]
(0421) 22 01 - 1 83 01
Portrait Herr Rinke
Deputy Manager
mensa.bremerhaven [at]
(0421) 22 01 - 1 83 01
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Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
GeflügelGeflügelgyros, Tzatzikig, Krautsalat und Djuwetschreis 3,35€5,05€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedAsiatische Suppe2, a1, f mit Chinagemüse und Glasnudeln 1,80€3,90€
Angebot 3 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedFeurige Pilzpfanne mit Paprika, Mandelstiftenh1, Couscousa1, Limettenjoghurtf 4,20€5,20€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
mensaVital IconPlant basedMakkaroni-Tomaten- Brokkoli-Auflauf1, a1 mit Schmelz1 überbacken2,75€4,75€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
vegetarischKartoffeltaschen mit Frischkäseg gefüllt, Tomatenrahmsauce1, a1, g und Gemüsereisi 2,10€4,10€
Angebot 3 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
SchweinefleischSusländer Schweineschnitzela1, c, Rahmchampignons1, a1, Pommes Frites4 8,20€9,20€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Fischgebackenes Kabeljaufilet in Maispanade3, d, g, i hausgemachter Kartoffelsalat2, 5, j Schnittlauch3,35€5,05€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedVollkorn Pennea1, Sojabolognesef, 2,00€4,10€
Angebot 3 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
GeflügelBurrito Pollo4, 11, a1, g 5,20€6,20€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedGebratene Champignons, Röstiecken3, 4, Aiolij2,75€4,75€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
FischFischfrikadellen3, a1, d, g, Rahmspinata1, g, Salzkartoffeln 2,30€4,30€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedgefüllte Paprikaschotea1, f, i mit Tomatensauce dazu Gemüsereis2,75€4,75€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedSpaghetti "All Arrabiataa1" , veganer Schmelz12,00€4,10€
Angebot 3 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
vegetarischChilipoppers3, 4, a1, c, g, Salat, Balsamicodressing1, 8, j, k, Baguettea1 4,20€5,20€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedAndalusische Gemüsepfanne, Vollkornreis, Aivar - Dipj2,75€4,75€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
SchweinefleischPenne Rigatea1 mit Schinken2, 3, 4, Ei und Ketchup5, c2,30€4,30€
Angebot 3 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
vegetarischCrispy Burger BBQ4, a1, c, g, Hash Brown Fries6,20€7,20€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
RindfleischSchweinefleischCurrywurst2, 3, i mit hausgemachter Currysauce1, 3, 12 und Pommes Frites3, 43,35€5,05€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant based7 Mini Frühlingsrollen3, a1, f, m Salatmix Sweet Chili - Dip2,00€4,10€
Angebot 3 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
FischZanderfileta1, d, Ratatouille, Risotto2, 13, c, g6,20€7,20€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
FischSeelachsfilet in Eihüllea1, c, d hausgemachtem Kartoffelsalat2, 5, j3,35€5,05€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedveganes Chilif, Orangen-Reis, Avocado - Dip3, j2,00€4,10€
Angebot 3 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
GeflügelPuten-Cordon-Bleua1, c mit Buttererbsen1 und Pommes frites46,20€7,20€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
GeflügelHähnchenbrust " Piccata Milanesé13, a1, g " Tomatensaucea1, i Bandnudeln1, a1 3,35€5,05€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedSesamnudelna1, m, Brokkoli, Soja - Rahmsauce1, a1, f2,00€4,10€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedGemüseschnitzel3, a1, a5 , Rustika Carrots1, Petersilienkartoffeln12,75€4,75€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
GeflügelFruchtig-scharfe Currycremesuppe1, a1, i mit Huhnfleisch, Reis2,30€4,30€
Cafeteria filled rolls Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedUmami Burger3, a1, a4, j 4,50€5,05€
Plant basedPotato Dippers3, 41,50€1,70€
The additives and allergen markings in the weekly plan can differ from the current version. Please note the daily notices. Subject to modifications


Ethical husbandry
mensaVital IconmensaVital
Plant basedVegan


acereals containing gluten and products thereof, a1wheat, a2rye, a3barley, a4oat, a5spelt, a6kamut, bcrustaceans and products thereof, ceggs and products thereof, dfish and products thereof, epeanuts and products thereof, fsoybeans and products thereof, gmilk and dairy products, including lactose, hnuts and products thereof, h1almonds, h2hazelnut, h3walnut, h4chashew nut, h5pecans, h6Brazil nut, h7pistachio, h8macadamia, icelery and products thereof, jmustard and products thereof, ksulphur oxide and sulfide at concentration of > 10mg/kg or 10mg/l, llupine and products thereof, msesame seeds and products thereof, nmolluscs and products thereof


1with dye, 2with preservative, 3with antioxidant, 4with phosphate, 5with sweetener, 6with a source of phenylalanine, 7blackened, 8sulphured, 9waxed, 10with alcohol, 11with flavour enhancer, 12with caffeine, 13mit tierischem Lab