Mensa Bremerhaven

For the students of the University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven we have a wide range of delicious offers in our Mensa in building M.

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday:
-.-- a. m. to -.-- p. m.
-.-- a. m. to -.-- p. m.

Suggestions, questions, praise & criticism:

Portrait Herr Nordengrün
mensa.bremerhaven [at]
(0421) 22 01 - 1 83 01
Portrait Herr Rinke
Deputy Manager
mensa.bremerhaven [at]
(0421) 22 01 - 1 83 01
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Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
GeflügelZwiebel-Sahne-Hähnchen1, 4 frische Champignons Bandnudelna1, c3,35€5,05€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedAsiatischer Bratreis mit Wokgemüse & Sauce2, a1, f2,00€4,10€
Angebot 3 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
vegetarischPolentataschen3, a1, g mit Spinatfüllung auf Tomaten-Zucchinigemüsei und Risotto2, 13, c, g 4,20€5,20€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
RindfleischLasagne4, a1, c mit Goudag überbacken3,35€5,05€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedPikante Spitzkohlpfanne mit Kartoffeln & Paprika2,00€4,10€
Angebot 3 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
SchweinefleischSchweinerückensteak, Zwiebel-Senfkrustej, Rosmarinsaucej, Romanesco1, Schupfnudelna1 6,20€7,20€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedBunte Gnocchi-Pfannea1 mediterranes Gemüse Tomatensaucea1, i2,75€4,75€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedGemüse-Nudelna1 Basilikumsauce4, i2,00€4,10€
Hot Snacks Stud. Empl. Students Employees
RindfleischBeef Cheeseburger1, 5, a1, c, g, j 4,50€5,05€
Plant basedKartoffeltwister4, a11,50€1,70€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
FischSeelachsfilet Bordelaisea1, d mit Kartoffelsalat2, 5, j3,35€5,05€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedEblypfannea1 mit Schmorgemüse und Soja-Dip3, f, j2,00€4,10€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
RindfleischRindergeschnetzeltes Stroganoff1, 2, 5, a1, g Spätzlea1, c 3,35€5,05€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant based7 Mini Frühlingsrollen3, a1, f, m Salatmix Sweet Chili - Dip2,00€4,10€
Angebot 3 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
vegetarischGemüsestrudela1, c, g, i, Salat der Saison, Joghurt-Dressingg, j4,20€5,20€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedRöstiecken3, 4 mit Waldpilzragout1, a1 Blattsalat, Balsamico Dressing1, 8, j, k 2,85€4,75€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedPellkartoffeln Soja-Kräuter-Dip3, f2,00€4,10€
Angebot 3 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
GeflügelGyrosteller Pommes3, 4, Krautsalat, Tzazikig 6,20€7,20€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
GeflügelHähnchenkeule, Geflügelsauce1, i, Buttererbseng, Süßkartoffelpüree1, 4, g3,35€5,05€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedPenne Rigatea1 buntes Möhren Curry1, 4, a1, f, i2,00€4,10€
Angebot 3 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
FischSteinbeißera1, d, Senfsaucea1, g, j, Petersilienkartoffeln1, Gurkensalatj 5,20€6,20€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
mensaVital IconPlant basedAsiatische Gemüsepfanne, Tofu2, a1, f, Duftreis2,85€4,75€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
vegetarisch5 Kartoffelpuffer3, a1, c Apfelmus3 2,10€4,10€
Hot Snacks Stud. Empl. Students Employees
GeflügelCrunchy Chicken Burger3, a1, a3, i, j3,50€3,95€
Plant basedSteakhouse Pommes31,50€1,70€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
FischKibbelinge3, a1, c, d, g Knoblauchdipj Steakhouse Pommes3 3,35€5,05€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedLinsensuppei 1,80€3,90€
Angebot 1 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Geflügelpaniertes Putenschnitzel3, a1, Tomaten-Zucchini-Sauce, Penne Rigate1, a13,35€5,05€
Angebot 2 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
Plant basedTomatensuppe1, a1 mit Gemüsejuliennei und Nudeleinlagea11,80€3,90€
Angebot 3 Stud. Empl. Students Employees
FischGebackene Calamaris4, a1, d, n mit Salatbeilage, Aiolij und ofenfrischem Baguettea1 5,20€6,20€
The additives and allergen markings in the weekly plan can differ from the current version. Please note the daily notices. Subject to modifications


Ethical husbandry
mensaVital IconmensaVital
Plant basedVegan


acereals containing gluten and products thereof, a1wheat, a2rye, a3barley, a4oat, a5spelt, a6kamut, bcrustaceans and products thereof, ceggs and products thereof, dfish and products thereof, epeanuts and products thereof, fsoybeans and products thereof, gmilk and dairy products, including lactose, hnuts and products thereof, h1almonds, h2hazelnut, h3walnut, h4chashew nut, h5pecans, h6Brazil nut, h7pistachio, h8macadamia, icelery and products thereof, jmustard and products thereof, ksulphur oxide and sulfide at concentration of > 10mg/kg or 10mg/l, llupine and products thereof, msesame seeds and products thereof, nmolluscs and products thereof


1with dye, 2with preservative, 3with antioxidant, 4with phosphate, 5with sweetener, 6with a source of phenylalanine, 7blackened, 8sulphured, 9waxed, 10with alcohol, 11with flavour enhancer, 12with caffeine, 13mit tierischem Lab