--- This English version is a non-binding translation of the German original. ---

Contribution regulations for the Studierendenwerk Bremen

Dated February 9, 2000, last amended on February 11, 2021

§ 1 Collection of contributions
The Studierendenwerk collects contributions in accordance with these contribution regulations in order to fulfill its statutory duties.

§ 2 Obligation to pay contributions
(1) Students enrolled at universities in the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen to which the Bremen Higher Education Act applies directly are obliged to pay contributions.
(2) Students are exempt from the obligation to pay contributions in accordance with paragraph 1 if they are on leave of absence 1. to perform services within the meaning of Article 8 paragraph 3 numbers 1 to 5 of the State Treaty on Admission to Higher Education of 21.03.2019, 2. due to parental leave, 3. due to a study-related stay abroad or internship abroad or 4. due to serious, long-term illness.

§ 3 Amount of the contribution
The contribution per semester
1. for students of the University of Bremen, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences is € 85.00 *
2. for students of the University of the Arts € 60.00 *

* applies for the first time for the collection of fees for the winter semester 2019/2020

§ 4 Due date and payment of the fee
(1) The fee is due at the beginning of each semester. It must be paid into the account specified by the Studierendenwerk.
(2) Students must provide proof of payment of the fee upon enrolment or re-registration by submitting the payment receipt to the university. This does not apply if, in the case of double enrolment in accordance with § 34 paragraph 1 sentence 3 of the Bremen Higher Education Act, the corresponding contribution has been demonstrably paid at the other university.

§ 5 Reimbursement
In the event of exmatriculation in accordance with § 42 (1) to (3) of the Bremen Higher Education Act and in the event of exemption from the obligation to pay fees in accordance with § 2 (2), Studierendenwerk fees already paid shall be reimbursed on request if the exmatriculation or exemption from the obligation to pay fees took place before the middle of the respective semester.

§ 6 Entry into force

Studierendenwerk Bremen