The exact level of your individual requirements depends on many factors. Hardly any two cases are the same. It is best to submit an application and not compare yourself with others. Even BAföG online calculators cannot correctly assess the complexity of life situations in many cases. If you want to use an online BAföG calculator, use the official one from the Federal Ministry of Research and Education.

BAföG: Quick check

You are most likely legally entitled to BAföG if you:

Does all this apply to you? Great, then submit your BAföG application here and find out exactly how many euros you are entitled to as funding.

Your result says you are not entitled? Then contact our BAföG advisors directly [link to contact list]. If your calculated BAföG amount is at least 10 euros per month, you will receive a certificate from us that exempts you from the GEZ fee. This is a saving of 210 euros per year, e.g. 630 euros for a Bachelor's degree.

BAföG application checklist

Please submit all documents digitally, without any special characters or spaces in the file name and only in PDF format.
Each form in one file. Please also submit supporting documents for a form as one file

We need the following from you


As the Office for Educational Support, we are responsible for students at the following universities:

Here you will find the contact details for your Student BAföG and Student BAföG office, sorted by the first letter of your surname.

General telephone consultation hours:
Monday: 9 - 12 a.m. & 1 - 3 p.m.
Wednesday: 9 - 12 a.m. & 1 - 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 9 - 12 a.m.

Contact form