
There are 2.139 apartments or rooms in Bremen and 106 in Bremerhaven in a total of 11 student residences. In addition there are 26 places in Bremerhaven within the *cooperation project #H34 with the STÄWOG.

Außenansicht der Wohnanlage Spittaler Straße mit Bäumen und Sitzbänken
Map(Google Maps)

All our apartments and rooms are furnished. Depending on the type of accommodation, there is a kitchenette or an electric stove, as well as a fridge, sink and sanitary facilities. Our flat-rate rents mean that there are no additional charges for operating costs!

Residential complex dictionary (German, Français, عربي) (3,61 MB) Residential complex dictionary (German, 中国人, English) (8,39 MB) Residential complex dictionary (Deutsch, Français, Español) (1,64 MB) Residential complex dictionary (German, Polski, Русский) (1,64 MB)

How to reach us: 0421 2201 10129

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