BAföG for students (Germany)

Pupils can also receive BAföG under certain conditions. The good thing about this is that the funding is granted as a full grant, i.e. you do not have to pay it back. The maximum rate (excluding the subsidy for health and long-term care insurance) is between €276 and €775 per month, depending on your place of residence and type of school.

The exact amount of your individual entitlement depends on many factors. Hardly any two cases are the same. It is best to submit an application and not compare yourself with others. Even online BAföG calculators cannot correctly assess the complexity of life situations in many cases.

BAföG: Quick check

You could be entitled to BAföG if you

Does all of this apply to you? Great, then submit your BAföG application here and find out exactly how many euros you are entitled to as funding: Your result says you don't have a claim? Then contact our BAföG advisors directly.

BAföG application checklist

Please use BAföG Digital for your application! This will make it easier for you and us to process your application.