Forms and information

Application for subletting (731,19 KB) Fire safety regulations (3,99 MB) DSGVO information sheet living space (324,37 KB) Termination form (270,61 KB)

Information on the broadcasting fee
Students who move into their first own apartment, a shared flat or a student residence may have to pay the broadcasting fee for ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio for the first time. In addition to apartments, the monthly broadcasting fee must also be paid for rooms in student residences. However, shared flats can share this contribution. In this case, only one adult resident must be registered with the Beitragsservice. The shared flat decides who this is. In order to avoid unnecessary double registrations or possible additional payments, it is important to take care of the re-registration of your own place of residence and the corresponding notification to the Beitragsservice as soon as possible. Recipients of BAföG can apply to the Beitragsservice for exemption from the obligation to pay the broadcasting contribution.

Further information on the broadcasting contributiong