Possibility of use
In the canteens and cafeterias as well as at the snack and drinks vending machines at Bremen University of Applied Sciences and Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. You can also use the washing machines and dryers in our halls of residence.
Students who are studying at the University of Bremen, the Bremen University of Applied Sciences, the HfK Bremen or the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, who pay a semester fee and can prove their student status, as well as employees of the aforementioned universities.
At the Service Point of the University canteen and the Neustadtswall canteen, at the cash desk of the Airport and Werderstraße canteens and in the Bremerhaven cafeteria. The current opening hours can be found on the subpage of the respective establishment.
5 € (deposit). Students need their student ID card / valid certificate of enrollment and their identity card. Employees of the universities need their official ID card.
On the campus of the University of Bremen (university canteen, in the entrance area of the SuUB (Girocard only), in the cafeteria GW2, in the canteen NW1 (currently Girocard only). In the canteens at Bremen University of Applied Sciences, in front of the entrance to Mensa Bremerhaven and in the Wohnpark am Fleet / Spittaler Str. 1D (Girocard only).
The validity of your Mensacard is displayed on all card readers, rechargers and when paying at the till.
The matriculation number or personal identification number and the current credit balance are stored on the Mensacards issued until 22.09.2023. We do not have access to the personal data of the universities in relation to the matriculation number. Only the current credit balance is stored on the Mensacards issued from 25.09.2023.
Mensacards issued until 22.09.2023: You can get your card back at the Mensa Service Point if it has been found. The card can also be blocked there and the existing credit transferred to a new card. To do this, you will need your student ID card or a valid certificate of enrollment and your identity card. Mensacards issued after 25.09.2023: A new Mensacard must be used. A payment or transfer of credit is not possible due to the lack of registration of the cards.
The Mensacard can be returned at the Service Point of the University Mensa and Mensa Neustadtswall, as well as in the Cafeteria Bremerhaven. Mensacards issued until 22.09.2023: After legitimization with the certificate of enrolment and the identity card (for employees: employee ID card, identity card), the remaining balance and the card deposit will be paid out. Mensacards issued from 25.09.2023 onwards: The person who returns the Mensacard will be paid the card deposit and the remaining credit.
The following conditions apply to cashless payment with the electronic payment function of the Mensacard (card) of the Studierendenwerk Bremen in the canteens and cafeterias of the Studierendenwerk Bremen.
1. upgrading the card
The electronic payment function can be upgraded with cash in notes of €5, €10, €20 or €50 or by issuing a direct debit authorization as part of the electronic direct debit procedure (ELV) at the recharging points provided for this purpose. The cards can be upgraded up to a maximum credit balance of €100. In the case of revaluation by direct debit authorization, the cardholder authorizes the Studierendenwerk Bremen to collect the revaluation amount from the account designated by the IBAN by direct debit. Failure to honor direct debit orders will result in the card being blocked. Any costs incurred as a result shall be borne by the account holder.
2 Card validity
Each card has a validity date. If the card expires, the card will be blocked until proof of authorization is provided. Cardholders whose card is no longer valid should contact the service point of the canteen/cafeteria to have the validity of the card extended.
3 Duties and obligations of the cardholder
Claims arising from the contractual relationship and its termination for payment of any remaining balance on the card must be asserted within 12 months of the card being deactivated, otherwise they will be forfeited. In the event of loss, any credit balance on the card will not be refunded. Devaluations resulting from unauthorized use of the card will also not be refunded.
4. data protection
The data of cashless payment transactions with the electronic payment function are stored by the acceptance points and transmitted to the Studierendenwerk for billing purposes. The billing data is processed and stored anonymously by storing the card ID, the debit or revaluation amount and the card balance. When participating in the direct debit procedure, the IBAN of the EC / Maestro card used is also stored. For the assertion of claims arising from uncovered direct debits, the cardholder expressly consents to the account-keeping body (the financial institution used) informing the Studierendenwerk Bremen of the name and address of the account holder/cardholder. Any further exchange of personal data will only take place with the express prior consent of the cardholder. The data will not be passed on to third parties. By participating in cashless payment transactions, the cardholder agrees to the storage and processing of the billing data to the extent described.
5. information
Information on cashless payment is available at the Service Point of the Mensa/Cafeteria.
Bremen, 25.09.2023
Studierendenwerk Bremen
-Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts-