Further assistance

Are you looking for ideas to solve your own problems? Or do you need specific support in the form of other contact points? Here we present various tips, sources and contacts that can help you. And we would also like to give you two general tips: Exercises and changes to habits, e.g. in your work structure, require repetition and time. So: Keep at it, even if all beginnings are difficult and the effect is not immediate.

The literature tips given may also be available in the SuUB or the Stadtbibliothek Bremen, free of charge for students.

Learning, working, time management
Meeting work difficulties constructively
Procrastination - info
Procrastination - self-test
Wolfsberger, Judith: "Frei geschrieben". Böhlau, Vienna/Cologne, 4th edited edition: 2016
Selbstständig arbeiten (STW OstNiedersachsen)

Bewegung und Stressbewältigung
University sports
Meditation app Insight Timer
Tip: Ask your health insurance provider for offers on stress management.

Studying with disabilities
Studying dyslexia or dyscalculia | compensation for disadvantages
Dyslexia/dyscalculia guide for adults
ADHS im Studium: Lern- und Organisationsstrategien

Psychotherapiesuche Bremen:

Psychotherapiesuche Niedersachen
Infos Psychotherapie
Ways to psychotherapy

Addiction and eating problems
ASH Bremen: Drogenhilfezentrum Mitte (focus on illegal drugs and media addiction, gambling addiction
Caritas: Addiction rehabilitation - what is it? Comprehensive addiction counseling (focus on alcohol and polytoxicomania)
Self-tests for addictive behavior: alcohol, drugs
Eating behavior

Self-help groups
Self-help network
Portal Junge Selbsthilfe. home - Have you ever thought about self-help groups?

Study doubts and professional orientation
Jugendberufsagentur Bremen up to 25 years.
Career Center - University of Bremen
Career Service for Students - HSB Hochschule Bremen
Agentur für Arbeit Bremen - Bremerhaven

In addition, the central student advisory service of the university can be contacted if you have questions about planning your studies or have doubts.

Other counseling centers for specific topics
Family and life counseling of the Bremische Evangelische Kirche
Open Door Counseling Center of the Katholischer Gemeindeverband Bremen
pro familia (counseling on sexuality, partnership, family planning and pregnancy)
Verband binationaler Familien und Partnerschaften iaf e.V (contact point for legal questions, psychological counseling, events for people in binational/bicultural couple or family relationships)
Arbeitsstelle gegen Diskriminierung und Gewalt (ADE) (specialist and advice center for dealing with discrimination, conflict and violence)
soliport (counseling for victims of right-wing, racist and anti-Semitic violence)
(Domestic) violence / relationship violence: Neue Wege e.V. (counseling for victims of relationship violence), Hilfetelefon "Gewalt gegen Frauen" (telephone counseling for women affected or threatened by violence), Bremer JungenBüro (counseling in cases of violence against young men* up to 27)
Rape / sexual assault: Notruf (psychological counseling in cases of sexual violence), Schattenriss e.V. (Counselling and support in cases of sexualized violence against young women* up to 27)

Additional support for international students
HIST Bremen (Overview of contact points for support in financial emergencies, advice on legal issues, community events, advice on mental health problems for international students in Bremen)
Overview of contact points in Bremen for refugees and immigrants
Migration Counselling for Adults - Counselling Centre for Refugees - Youth Migration Service
Refugio Bremen (psychosocial counselling and treatment center for refugees and victims of torture)
Counselling for newly immigrated EU citizens