Free pass for the city library

All students at the University of Bremen, Bremen University of Applied Sciences and Bremen University of the Arts have the opportunity to obtain a free card for the Bremen City Library (Stadtbibliothek Bremen). On presentation of the current student ID card or semester ticket and ID card, the BIBCARD is issued at all 9 city library locations and on the library bus. This project is made possible by a cooperation between the Studierendenwerk Bremen, the Stadtbibliothek Bremen, the AStA of the University of Bremen, the AStA of the University of Applied Sciences Bremen and the AStA of the University of the Arts Bremen.

Students also read for free in Bremerhaven! Just like students in Bremen, students in Bremerhaven also have the opportunity to obtain a free library card from the Bremerhaven City Library (Stadtbibliothek Bremerhaven). Here too, simply show your student ID or semester ticket. This project is made possible by a cooperation between the Studierendenwerk Bremen, Stadtbibliothek Bremerhaven and the AStA of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences.